Saturday, December 3, 2022


“ You work with me ; word hard, it is easy to learn cooking” the then CDP Chef Sanjay, specialising in South Indian food, told the kitchen stewarding boy Anuj Kumar, who had impressed everyone with his hard work.

Anuj worked in the dish wash area and was known for his discipline, hard work and ability to withstand work pressure. Chef Sanjay was replying to the question bounced by this dishwasher boy on whether he also can acquire cooking skills. That was in 2019.

Today, this Bihar born boy Anuj kumar(25) is known as the 'Dosa Master' at Citrine, a popular three star Hotel at Seshadripuram ,Bengaluru. Importantly, he also masterfully crafts other  south Indian delicacies. Anuj is thankful to Sambhu Kumar, who has been instrumental in getting him a job at Citrine in2017. Sambhu was working in the F&B service department of Citrine at that time.

I was staying at Citrine in July this year. The dosa served to me was unique in its texture. Upon enquiry, I ended up knowing more about Anuj, this young tastemaker.

After his normal working hours in kitchen stewarding, Anuj started working in the kitchen. Chef Sanjay had to move on from Citrine during the toughCOVID times, and the mantle fell upon Anuj. This 11th standard pass culinary artist rose to the occasion. Not only that he also coaches two junior chefs working under him today.

The Citrine management was delighted with his stellar performance and sent him to another hotel in Bengaluru (a sister concern of Citrine) for a one month on the job culinary training to ensure his job enlargement and job enrichment.

Executive Sous chef Saumya Ranjan Subudhi opines: "Anuj is flawless in executing things, he never says NO to his Seniors when extra work is allotted to him, interestingly, he always reaches the kitchen floor much ahead of the time”

“ Very hardworking and dedicated is chef Anuj” quips Murali Krishna, Managing Director, Citrine Hotel, Bengaluru, “though he is not from South India, he made it a point to sharpen his skills in learning the art of making delicious South Indian delicacies. His passion towards cooking is amazing”

Watching food related you tube videos is his main hobby.

I am happy with my work, says Anuj, who is very passionate as well as content.

Come January, 2023, I will be staying in this hotel again.I forgot to ask one question to chef Anuj- whether he is aware of the fact that, D.K. Ramachandra, the founder of Hoysala  hotel, a sister concern of Citrine Hotel, had also started his career as a dishwasher ???

Text and pics by R.Kesava Mallia in Bengaluru

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