Friday, October 4, 2019



“The Chinese guests don’t look for luggage assistance. The Japanese will bow to you and they expect respect in return. One can be friendly and informal with the Americans; but we need to be formal and professional with the Britishers. You can interact with the guests from the Arab countries with hand gestures and sign language, in case, they can’t speak in English” This is what Jagannath Vishwanath (34) Head of Concierge at Ritz Carlton, Bengaluru had to say with regard to the cultural nuances while interacting with guests from different nationalities.

“Concierge team members” opines Jagannath, popularly known as Jagan, “should have a thorough knowledge of the local world around the hotel, especially the latest trends & happenings in the city. They should also be well versed with all services and facilities in the city like Ambulance Services…. Chemist Shops...Hospitals ...Railway Station ...Fire/ Police Stations...Theatres...Malls...and so on. Recently we even arranged a Helicopter ride for four Australian guests !”

Sheer providence brought Jagan to the hospitality industry. It was his sister’s husband Arvind (presently working at Taj MG Road, at the Concierge Desk) who enthused him to join the industry. He joined the Concierge at an associate level at Taj West End, Bengaluru, in 2008. Went on to lap up three promotions in the next seven years. In 2015, he joined Shangri-La Bengaluru as a Service Leader. Since June of this year, he is with the Ritz Carlton, Bengaluru.

Jagan has earned a good name to live up to, in a very short period of time. This  itself is the story peg.

“ I have been empowered to serve the guests. We go the extra mile to dazzle and delight them...that is what I found very appealing in this hotel” says Jagan married to Priya, a homemaker. He is blessed with two children Shrijin (4) and Krishika (2).

He reaches the hotel  at 08.00am every day. Does his homework with unabated regularity, learns from the service lapses and connects with his guests effortlessly.

“The guest can request for anything and we should be ready to provide the same. Recently one of the guests asked for a Nebuliser for cleaning the breathing machine” informs Jagan, a commerce graduate, while explaining the significance of immaculate service delivery by the Concierge team.

“ I love my job. I will be happy to work for even 24 hours nonstop, if the need arises. I was a state level cricket player (under 18 team) during my college days. That said, my main hobby today is my work itself”, says Jagan.

Text and Pictures: R Kesava Mallia in Bengaluru 

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