Friday, September 13, 2019





“What are your hobbies?”

The guest from England volleyed this question to Zaki. That was in Westin Pune. Year: 2013. Zaki was a Steward then.

“When I replied to the guests that I was a mimicry artist and I pen poems in Urdu, he requested me to translate as many as 25 poems in English for him”, Varanasi born Zaki Anwar Khan (30), Assistant Outlet Manager at ITC Grand, Goa was narrating one of his inspiring experiences in the Guest Relations.

Remember, he has bagged the ‘Best Employee Award’ at Westin Pune in 2012. He is a renowned mimicry artist too. Started as a Trainee at Taj President, Mumbai. After his four years stint with Westin Pune, he joined Park Hyatt Goa. Presently, Zaki is working at ITC Grand, Goa.

“Mimicry artists do observe a lot. This hobby has helped me in a big way in connecting with the guests. When I am on the shop floor of the restaurant, I observe my guests a lot - like their body language and facial expressions. Stewards must be always alert and observant. This will certainly improve their service finesse, as well as minimize the guest complaints” says Zaki.

“The F&B Service staff must be always cheerful, enthusiastic and quick footed. Additional technical trainings and mock trainings must be imparted to make them more guest centric”.

At the Pavilion Restaurant (ITC Grand Goa), during his free hours Zaki ‘lovingly’ mimics his colleagues (both Chefs as well as the Service Staff). He writes short poems every day after signing off from work, before he goes to sleep.

“Nowadays, I write poems on my mother who passed away six months back”, says Zaki.

It is really gratifying to note that Zaki is using his mimicry skills effectively and efficaciously, in serving his guests flawlessly and seamlessly by observing them.

“I was not good in my studies. But, I was so good in co-curricular activities”, says Zaki.

Talat Yasmin is his elder sister. His younger brother is Musharaf Alam. These two souls had encouraged him to perform mimicry shows. He has won many a prizes in the mimicry competitions held during his school/college days.

He lapped up his 3-year Hotel Management Degree from the Society of Advance Management of Studies, at Varanasi. Zaki, a bachelor is one of the load bearing pillars of the Pavilion restaurant today. 

Text and Pictures: R Kesava Mallia in Goa 

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